Gesellensetters on the Web

[Deutsche Seite]

If there is any Gesellensetter outside Germany:
please, let me know! I shall translate the original page
into English, then...

Provisionally, I'll provide this abstract of the German page:

As my last name, "Gesellensetter", is quite rare (there are less than 40 entries in the white pages of Germany), I am asked quite often, where this name does come from. As the first part of the name, "Gesellen" means "Journeymen", my name could be a term for somebody in charge with installing ("setting") journeymen. This interpretation, however, is opposed to the fact, that "setter" had to be "setzer" in southern Germany, where my name seems to stem from.  At least, half of all Gesellensetters found,  live in the southern postal code area 9, and additionally, there is quite a few namesakes in the other major southern postal code area 8.
All entries to be found in German phone books are listed by postal codes. Following the link "Statistik" you will get an impression of the spatial distribution of my name.

If anybody knows further details of the meaning and origin of my family name, I'd be pleased to know...

NEW: There were Gesellensetters emigrating to the U.S. in 1881 and 1882 ! (View details...)